Showerthought: PvP is considered to be the most entertaining and skilled content to observe and participate in, yet has had the least amount of updates pass the polls

I am a relatively new player to the game and I'd like to share my experience with PKers and PvP and it will probably give you a clue as to why so many dislike PvP.

I have never gone out of my way to find a fight, I imagine that the players in the PvP worlds, looking for a fair fight are a nice bunch but every single PvP experience I've had has been toxic.

Most people encounter the classic spade collecting brainlet and most of the times I have died in wilderness it is to people who are hopping worlds at clue locations for the pure reason to PK people that they know won't fight back or have any loot. Nobody gains from this and it puts people off.

I have been PKed in deeper wilderness and lost a couple pieces of graceful. I don't feel salty about it at all but when it happened the guy that killed me taunted me for 10minutes without any response from me. I just forgot I had it on and went and did some agility I had been meaning to do anyway.

I have been killed in rev caves and I completely understand why people are killing here and to be honest it's completely fair enough but why do people kill me in multi zones as a group of 4 on 1 and not even take my loot when I get back?

All these experiences are fights where I never really stood a chance to win, at best I could have escaped. In all these experiences the PKer gained absolutely nothing and just wanted to waste my time. Almost always when I get kiiled I am called a noob or something. In general when I have encountered a PKer in non-pvp areas they are annoying and brag about how great PvP is. Why would anyone want to engage with this community of people? It seems like all the PKers I encounter just make the game worse.

That's my new player rant anyway, PvP content becomes less and less desirable for me the more I encounter PKers. I have no doubt there are chill people doing it but the haste of learning it combined with the toxic experiences I have had make me want to keep my distance.

/r/2007scape Thread