This shows how ridiculous the NRA is. A majority of Bernie's votes are for gun freedom, but the NRA gives him an F.

You have, once again, failed on any level to prove what I have consistently and factually pointed out:

  • Unlicensed sellers are allowed to sell weapons at gun shows
  • 25%+ of all guns sold at gun shows are by unlicensed individuals
  • The single greatest source of illegal guns in use by gang bangers is through unlicensed purchases in one of 33 legal states

I apologize if the reality of arms trafficking offends you, but nothing you quote, and no tone you take, changes the reality of how weapons go from unlicensed hands to criminal hands, nor does it change the fact that in most cases, it's not illegal for the unlicensed hands to sell those weapons.

The court and the law are both clear, it's unlawful for any person except a licensed deal to engage in the business of dealing in firearms. The clause "or receive any firearm in interstate... commerce" follows that, but does not limit unlawful firearms dealing to only interstate commerce.

You're just going in circles to hear yourself talk. We literally already discussed this two posts ago.

The perfect final word on this is in the recent US v Shipley case. You may not work in law and probably don't have access to Westlaw or LexisNexis, so I'll quote the relevant bits of the case, in case they aren't on a Wikipedia page or a glossy publication or study commissioned from an anti-gun lobbying firm.

Haha, what a condescending asshole. I was quoting the fucking ATF you asshole.

How pathetic, all of these resources in front you, and look at the result. Post after post after post, I have factually and accurately captured the state of legal private sales and fact that they are the single greatest source of illegal trafficking, and post after post, you've improperly and ignorantly misused case law. You've misquoted cases from the 70's that aren't up to date, you've misquoted federal law without commerce clause limitations, and you still refuse to accept the reality of the extent of private sales and the effect that the ATF has studied and proven to have.

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