Shut the fuck up about Trump!

I know. It's like a few years ago when this apartment building caught on fire in my neighborhood and killed four people. At first, all the cops and firefighters and paramedics were just obsessed with the damn fire and the "emergency." Every time I turned on the scanner, there they were, going on and on and on about the lousy fire. They fuckin' blocked the road for the stupid thing!

Then, afterward I was on the bus, and guess what? There was one of the survivors talking to the bus driver about it and how they lost all their clothes. God damn it, I'm just trying to read my book here people!

They even put it on the cover of the newspaper and started talking about it on the "news" shows in town. As if nothing else had happened recently. Oh, look, here are some pictures of dead people, great.

I mean, I'm not a fan of fires, OK? But people need to get over themselves and consider my irritation a little bit.

/r/rant Thread