Sick 'em Rex! The Greatest Underwear Commercial of All Time - Antz Pantz, Australia 1989.

Of course you do. I fly spaceships for a living and when I'm Earthside, I date a rotating roster of supermodels.

Because creating successful advertising campaigns that generate large amounts of sales for companies is so astronomically out of the realm of possibility for you, it must be fantastically fake. Got it.

Are you trying for /r/iamverysmart or /r/iamverybadass ? Or you trying to force a copypasta to prove a point? You can't even manage that!

Why are you offended that I am simply claiming what I do for clients?

You've repeatedly described the exact opposite of every successful campaign of the lat 50 years as being the gold standard.

No I haven't. Do you know anything about successful campaigns over the last 50 years? Because I know A LOT.

For example, the single most successful advertising campaign of the last 50 years, was this SINGLE letter sent out by the Wall Street Journal that is solely responsible for generating over $2 BILLION in subscription sales.

It ran for 30 years, despite repeated attempts to "beat it out" as a "control":

THAT is the single greatest piece of advertising of the last 50 years.

You're the guy who'd point at a Picasso and go "That's crap, a photograph would portray the subject matter way more accurately. I mean, c'mon, you can't even tell how many noses the model has snort".

You don't understand what good advertising is. Why do you keep pretending like you do?

They're still using Rex 30 years later - I'd say it's working for them.

They're using a mascot as a brand image - if they got rid of the mascot, would sales drop? If they used any other mascot...would sales drop or increase?

Using a mascot is not how you gauge the success of an advertising campaign.

That is the cringiest thing I have ever read. It's up there with that navy seal thing. How are you not embarrassed?

I'm not embarrassed because I am a successful advertiser who knows this field in and out who can confidently state that as an undeniable fact.

You - however - know nothing of the industry and are trying to battle me on what I emphatically know.

Why would I be embarrassed for knowing something?

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