Since Joe Biden Hasn't Picked a VP Yet, Here's a Wild Idea...

New to the sub. I'm in total support of this idea but whether or not it happens uh, please still vote for Biden everyone. Please? I don't like the guy either but liberals staying home is what Fuckface-in-Chief (t)rump WANTS. If you stay home because you didn't get the nominee you wanted, it is tacitly the same as voting for The Pumpkin. If you stay home because you didn't get the nominee you wanted, it is tacitly the same as voting for Tinyhands. If you stay home because you didn't get the nominee you wanted, it is tacitly the same as voting for The Worst President Possible. inb4 anyone cries "NO IT ISN'T" or "I'M VOTING GREEN PARTY" consider that pretty much no conservatives are going to vote for the Green Party, while many liberals will. That takes votes away from the Democrats without hurting the Republicans at all because the Green Party has a 0% chance of actually winning the presidency (it's fucking stupid but that's reality). With the way our voting system is set up, staying home or voting Green helps only Republicans and (t)rump itself.

/r/WayOfTheBern Thread