Skill floors and ceilings, and why McCree is poorly designed

McCree is meant to be a counter to assassin/duelist characters (Tracer/Genji/Reaper) because his flash bang can deal with their high mobility and/or prevent their burst, he absolutely needs to keep that identity.

The issue is his limits far exceed that design with oversight in his kit, he destroys squishies and in a lot of scenarios he can get away with destroying tanks too. He has no hard counter, only minor counters, Bastion, Widow, Hanso, and Zarya. Which are not always worth picking on many maps and game types. He doesn't make up for it with a weak ult either. Quick nerfs are easy to write up for him...

  • Flashbang range has a huge hit-box radius and can be abused on ceilings/walls to stun Reinhardt, taking his shield down, or net a free kill on a corner almost every time.

    • Reduce it's size to be similar in concept to Tracer's Ult. Requires you to hit their body or be very close to their body.
  • His roll reloads his clip, allowing for a lazy fast burst combo, right-click, roll, right-click, melting through squishies and tanks alike.

    • Roll could no longer reload his clip, he would still kill the squshies he is meant to, just without the ability to shred through tanks or additional targets without at least reloading first. Would also mean he is more open to counter attacks when his shots don't land. Reload time needs to matter, and the choice between rolling or reloading should to.
  • Headshots with LMB can extend past winning mid-range fights.

    • Additional fall-off damage to contain his versatile play.

I've been waiting for his design to come up in a conversation, too efficient to play, dreadful to play against.

/r/Overwatch Thread