This "social experiment" did nothing but hurt the female community of the game even more

You never back up any of your claims

Yes, I do. You don't even know what you are talking about, and until you decide to back up the claims you made, that makes you a fucking hypocrite, for your own sake, do not say that again; you look like a fucking hypocritical moron.

there are plenty of videos on YouTube of women being harassed in OW, along with people like Mendo complaining about it on twitter?

Are you trying to make me laugh kid? Thats moving the goal post.

That isn't what you said kid.

This affects no one? How about the people on smurfs in GM that are throwing games if they have a female on their team for the lolz now? Guess that affects no one. How about any woman that will now be scrutinized for being really good and maybe not wanting to reveal personal information about themselves before they go pro?

That is what you said.

And what game are you pro in?

Better change the subject. Why do you care so much? Is it because you are one of those sad no life weeaboo casuals that worships people like me? Rhetorical question. Weird how suddenly after talking trash, you think were going to have a respectful conversation. I hate autistic overwatch casuals, you are literally the perfect example of the average overwatch player. Zero self-awareness, zero intelligence, incapable of logical thought, or forethought.

You wont post on your main reddit account and you just throw around that you're a pro on random comments when it's so untrue.

lmfao, why would I lie? You obsessing and acting like a whiny child is so pathetic and hilarious all at once.

How is being gold for the 13th season in a row going for ya? I'm sure one day you'll make it to plat my man!!

When you're a pro gamer one thing you notice is that everyone else on the scene is on average more intelligent than the average casual. The fact that you are incapable of backing up even one claim you've made so far, and I just made you throw a temper tantrum by pointing that out; tells me you aren't intelligent. By that same logic, you aren't going to be good at Overwatch. Psychologically speaking, making an assumption about another human being based on nothing; suggests projection. Meaning, I know you are god awful at this game.

Can I take a guess at how old you are? I'm actually going with 19, and you have long, greasy hair, and you play games 8+ hours a day and never get to the top 10% in a game. You also probably flame your teammates and blame them for everything LUL

Actually when my team was most popular we were known for kicking people who were toxic, which was pretty rare among pro teams. Again, all of what you are saying I can only assume applies to you. Its the same issue to ran into earlier, you make claims that you don't back up. When you do the same thing with insults, it makes you look like projection.

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