Socialists, how do you handle lazy people who don’t want to work in a socialist society?

People will work to get above poverty if the ubi only is for thier basic human needs you underestimate peoples wants to achieve higher.

Not underestimate but it is realistic.

They will still need to hire regardless so that wouldn’t work either not until we have advanced AI from something like star wars lol

I agree with your point but if one person sues the company they would be more willing to go towards technical innovation. I know it sucks but this is how businesses think.

It would not make the degree useless what kind of argument is that? Just because you didn’t pay to possibly pass or fail classes it’s worthless yeah that one really does not make sense

Supply and Demand. The supply is so high because its free for students, that the demand would be much lower since I can easily get a person with a Master's off the street.

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