Soft discrimination I totally love in the Netherlands.

Just a gentle observation, but you seem extremely defensive and confrontational. If you give off this energy people will often respond negatively to it.

The best thing I could advise you to do is to try and stop getting so upset at these things. Try to not let it bother you. Just go "so what?". There is no need to react emotionally to everything. In fact your life will be much better if you just relax and go with the flow, letting go of these silly little things that don't mean anything.

And look, I understand how difficult it can be being a foreigner in the Netherlands. They don't make it easy to integrate, especially the further outside the big cities you get. But try to chill man, don't take everything so personally. Just laugh it off. Most of the time they don't mean any harm, they just don't realise what they are doing.

/r/Netherlands Thread