Some of us built a PC in these last months to not go insane. Let’s stop the grandstanding and “I told you so” please.

You're taking one anecdotal experience that isn't even the similar as the one being discussed, framing it as some huge lie, and using it as proof that 144hz is negligible difference over 60hz... When you've yet to have a real world experience with this scenario.

Also, it's a bit disingenuous how you're representing the jump from 60 to 90 on phones. Not only is it nowhere near as important as the refresh rate on a pc monitor, it was done on phones for much more minor improvements than the way you framed it. Nobody thought 60 to 90 was revolutionary, it's simply a step in the right direction for making your experience smoother on your own phone. Please, go try a 144hz monitor for a day of real world use, and come back to the conversation.

/r/buildapc Thread Parent