Some Contentious Claims in Zellner's Motion

Oh snap! I found it, I knew I'd seen it.....CASO, Page 217 It's a little troublesome because it was found after the burn barrel was turned over to Crime Lab, but they did have another phone of hers.

TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Collection of Teresa Halbach's Personal ltems at W3637 CTH B DATE OF ACTIVITY: 11/10/05


On Thursday,llll0l05, at approximately 4:55 p.m., Inv. GARY STEIER of the CALUMET COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT did collect personal items of TERESA HALBACH from W3637 CTH B, Hilbert, WI. The purpose of collecting items was for fingerprint or DNA analysis. Inv. STEIER was also informed to look for cellular phone boxes because TERESA HALBACH had recently switched cellular phones. The following is a list of items located atW3637 CTH B, which Inv. STEIER believes to be TERESA HALBACH's exclusive possessions: Property Tag No. 7802, Item Nos. I and2, one CINGULAR box and one Motorola phone, located in a filing cabinet in the dining room of the residence, collected at 4:55 P.m.

Property Tag No. 7814, Item No. 7, one phone bill and one phone instruction booklet, located in a black filing cabinet in an upstairs bedroom by Inv. STEIER,

collected at 5:19 P.m.
Said evidence was kept in Inv. STEIER's exclusive possession until such time as it was inventoried, marked and sealed in evidence collections bags and turned over to Inv. JOHN DEDERTNG.

Inv. Gary Steier.
Calumet Co. Sheriff s DePt.

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