Someone else is using MY toilet at work.

Well, let's do a quick back of the envelope calculation.

First, approximate the number of work days. We are going to assume that OP is a regular Joe working 9-5, 5 days a week. There's 52 weeks in a year, so that's 260 days. Assume OP is American which means around 10-15 weekdays that are holidays that he or she gets off. Assume another 10-15 days off for vacation/sick leave/personal days. That brings us to a reasonable lower end estimate of 230 work days.

Now we'll assume that OP eats his or her fiber and only takes a routine post-lunch poop and browse. We all know you're gunning for the handicap stall after lunch so you can enjoy your poop undisturbed and get some reddit browsing done on your phone before you have to go back to your desk and browse reddit in a side window while you have a fake excel file open pretending to do work. Approximate about 10 minutes for the poop, 3 minutes for a thorough wipe, and another 10 minutes for casual browsing of cats, tits, and Josh Gordon news. Total time spent in the bathroom while on the company dollar is approximated at 23 minutes per day.

$2,241/230 days = $9.74 paid to poop per day.

($9.74/23 minutes)*(60 minutes/1 hour) = $25.41 per hour approximate wage.

Judging from OP's username and the fact that we're on reddit, I would guess he is an early level system admin and this is a reasonable approximation of his hourly wage.

In conclusion, OP makes a reasonable salary and takes his time pooping at a leisurely pace combined with some toilet browsing.

You reminded me of this post.

Sorry about it being Americana and all that. But it's relevant.

/r/britishproblems Thread Parent