someone saved this onto the college computer... it's parents like this who are the reason badwomensanatomy exists. (they argue that sex ed shouldn't be taught because 8th graders are "too immature to understand the body", among other things)

We had a sex ed unit in the 5th grade in CATHOLIC SCHOOL. It was mostly very clinical "This is a penis, this is a vagina, these are all the vocabulary words you need to learn for Friday's test: testes, clitoris, Fallopian tubes, uterus, etc. Sex happens when the penis goes inside the vagina. Here is our unit on STDs, make sure to memorize all the names and descriptions for the pop quiz. Here is our unit on STD and pregnancy prevention: abstinence, condoms, birth control... Oh and now here's a video of a baby exploding out of a screaming woman's vagina who poops on camera while giving birth, to make sure we traumatize you for life and you never have sex. The end."

But we were all pretty mature about it, even the boy with (what I retroactively think as having) unmedicated ADHD. And after the birthing video we were just done with sex for the forseeable future (many of us hadn't even hit puberty yet.)

But that birthing video serves as birth control for me to this very day.

So it's not the kids who are immature, it's the "uncomfortable parents." Just because you're "uncomfortable" doesn't mean you get to stand in the way of your child becoming prepared for real life. You do your kid no favors if everyone around them knows about sex and they don't. You need to arm them with knowledge! RRRAAAANTTTT!

/r/badwomensanatomy Thread Link -