Sometimes I'm sad that my passions are so unrelatable

I may be in a similar situation, just on a lower educational level. I've been dreaming of becoming a researcher since I was a little kid, and now I'm going for my dreams. Today I am an undergraduate physics student, in my last year, and after graduating I will definitely go for either a Master's degree, and doctoral degree most-likely on particle physics in the future. Not being able to talk about my interests and passions with my family and my friends is already quite frustrating, and I am afraid that it will get worse.

It often seems like they don't even care a little bit about me and my interests. Sometimes they ask me questions about my days, and they do always immediately change the subject when I mention physics. My grandpa is even worse, he just refers me to his brother who's a physicists who's also been teaching for many years, because I could have an interesting conversation with him. Then again, I could have such conversations every day with other students, even professors, or other people. I honestly don't care about the conversations itself, but I just want that certain people are interested in what I'm doing.

I also listen to them when they are talking about history, geology, economics, or their daily live. All those subjects are fairly boring in my opinion, but I am still listening to them.

Unfortunately I am not interested in many other things besides physics. I really like linguistics, especially Scandinavian studies, but this subject seems to almost as boring as physics for everyone else.

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