As soon as the stay at home orders are lifted, I'm taking a vacation far far away from SD and especially SO.

When my 2yr old had an accident and refused a bath, she wasnt allowed in the bed until she bathed.

When the other kids take their bikes, roller blades, scooters, cowboy hats, blankets, whatever the f else they want to bring, they understand that it's their responsibility to hold on to them, not mine. SD does not understand that so SD either doesn't bring her scooter or she doesn't come until she is able to understand that simple point.

I potty trained her. I brought her to and from school. I went on every single field trip every year because the school didnt feel comfortable with her not having a chaperone, I taught her how to ride a bike, I'm the reason she didnt get held back a grade, I'm the reason she has the one friend she has, I'm the reason she didnt get kicked out of school, I'm the one who sits in her room with her everynight until she falls asleep, I'm the one who teaches her about her menses, I'm the one who buys he clothes, makes sure she gets her hair cut, makes her shower and match her clothes so she doesnt get picked on at school, got her into playing sports to burn some of her energy, help her with hw, now help her with her distance learning, hold her when she's sick or scared, stay on top of her medical appointments, plan special dates for she and I to talk....yea I guess I do all of that because deep down inside I dont care about her well being because I had a moment where I was brutally honest with her.

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