SpaceX Starlink objects train 24 May 2019

It's a bird... It's a plane... It's...


So yes, indeed, as many of you saw, it's the brand spanking new little Starlink baby satellites as they waddle along in orbit and begin to separate and go their own ways.

NOW... imagine when there are 12,000 satellites like that, all in really low Earth orbits!? I have a feeling the astronomer community is not going to be all that happy with it, overall.

But on the other hand, the ones you're seeing now are currently in a recent deployment/dispersal pattern. So after that they shouldn't be as visible... I think... But... eventually we'll reach a point in the life cycle where new ones will be added, while the older ones begin to steadily/periodically decommission themselves by taking the final plunge into Earth's atmosphere--shooting star style!

So all in all, from this moment in human history forward...

We're going to be seeing a lot more action in the skies each night, as we look up and see human related activities in progress in orbit, just as depicted in SciFi novels.

The future has arrived, and you just got your first taste of it tonight.

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