Speech, language, & hearing sciences major questions

All science courses. Language, speech, and hearing science classes. Neuroscience. Physiology, anatomy, (light)physics. A disproportionate amount of language classes.

Honestly, it doesn't matter what anyone's opinion is on classes and professors because you don't have a choice. Everyone is on a set track, so you all take the same course at the same time. You know what I mean? There's no point in stressing about it because you have to do it.

Aim to go to class everyday. Some classes, I can guarantee, you will not be successful if you don't go to class.

All the professors know each other, and almost all of the professors are involved in the graduate programs. They all talk to each other about students. Sucks, but true. It's a small cohort, and every semester students drop or fail out so it will get smaller every time you come back from break. You want professors to know who you are because you need them to get into graduate schools, but that means they will hold you accountable if you don't go to classes.

Junior year is the hardest because you take more SLHS classes than senior year, and because all of it is brand new. Just know that things get better because throughout the major, you hear the same stuff over again and courses build on each other. After you get through the hurdle of learning all the new stuff, especially in your first semester, things start coming together.

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