Failed a module. 8 weeks wasted. Not sure what to do. How screwed am I?

Without knowing anything about you except this post, it sounds like you're most stressed about being removed from your elected positions, even though you've been below average for one and a half years. To me, it sounds like you might not have been able to handle the elected positions along with the workload, and that's okay!

There are a few people in my class who seem to be in similar positions to yourself; they got overly involved when school was new and shiny, only to get buried between the coursework and their extracurricular duties. They are not bad people and are definitely doing the best they can, but medical school is honestly about preparing to become a doctor first, with the politics following second.

I hate to use cliche phrases, but this might honestly be a "blessing in disguise," or wake-up call. Now that you'll be removed from your extracurriculars, you can focus more on studying and have more time for your relationship! I'd argue that focusing on those two things are going to be better for you in the long run anyway, because prestige without knowledge and skills to back it up is just a facade that will fade away once you get into rotations and residency, and strengthening your relationship with your SO will provide much-needed stress-relief and peace of mind.

Regarding the grades, does your school break down what you have missed on each exam based on subject? If so, that'd be a great place to start. See what your weaknesses are, whether it's path, histology, application, biochem, etc, and strengthen those. Your grades will be begin to rise and once you get some of that under your belt, you can maybe start to take on extracurricular responsibilities again so you'll be a little bit stronger overall.

I hope this didn't come off as harsh or judgmental! I'm just trying to give an honest opinion based on what I read.

/r/medicalschool Thread