[Spoilers All] DA4 Wishlist Megathread XV

what i wish on DA4 is just few things.

1 - stop the open world, this is becoming a sickness, i love open world games, but DA dont need one, DAI with these huge maps but almost empty and unnecessary side quests looks like a half mmo but ofline, remember me like Darksiders 2.

2 - better romance, i will not lie i play because of the romance in the games, they are greate, but i believe that they should stop making you forced to only interact with your romanced character after some main quests are completed, and only finish a romance on the very end of the game, just let us pursue the one we want until we get and make them have more interactive with the character throug the rest of the game.

3 - better main quests and side quests, aside of the start on the dragon age series, the game looks like is being rushed when getting to the end, like DA2 and Inquisition, in inquisition if you ignore the side quests in less than 2 hours you can rush all the main quest and then boom have nothiing to do, and while on the previous games many side quests make difference on the main, the DAI makes no difference if you them or not. i want consequences to my action even on side quests and more well planned main quests.

4 - stop making main characters dumb, or makin them looking like having no inteligence to see clues of a liar and or a traitor, c'mon, how can anyone dont see that isabela stole the quanri relic and dont put her agains the wall to make her confess, or see that anders is doing something very dangerous and make him confess, and solas too is pretty obvious that he is up to something, blackbeard you get a note, a note telling the reason he was attacked when you met him, a dalish that dont know what mythal is? really bioware.

5 - the last important thing on my list would be, stop ressurrecting characters that died on previous games because you dont want to create new ones, just looks to mass effect, there is perfect if a character died he stays dead and a new one replaces im on the next game, and it was perfect, so stop just stop.

a simple request but i think is my special request, make the game mod compatible with tools and all like DAO, this will make a game live for years until a new one arrives.

PS: sorry for the english is not my first language.

/r/dragonage Thread