Also Aegon is extremely interesting from a meta-perspective. I'll quote poorquentyn here:

There’s nothing organic about the way Young Griff was raised, and GRRM emphasizes this by introducing him to us as if assembled from hidden Hero Parts just offscreen. Aegon feels fake, in a way that has less to do with his lineage than with his own individual story. Namely, it isn’t his.

Specifically, it’s half-Jon’s, and half-Dany’s. Let’s review: Aegon is Rhaegar’s son hidden away from Robert Baratheon’s revenge, posing as the son of a lord who has come to love him like one; the lord is upholding a vow to a loved one fallen during Robert’s Rebellion, and is permanently haunted by his memories of those days.

And he’s also a Targaryen claimant returned to Westeros to overthrow the Usurper’s domain and reclaim the Iron Throne with Fire and Blood, with an exile lord and a bunch of sellswords and idiosyncratic wanderers by his side.

So on one hand, Aegon’s hijacked our protagonists’ destinies, a marvelous formal trick on GRRM’s part. On the other hand, it’s tragic that he can’t have one of his own; even his decision to invade Westeros is driven by Tyrion, seemingly on a whim. (How perfect is it that Tyrion makes perhaps his most consequential move when he’s seemingly at his most powerless?)

Remember, the “real” Aegon VI was no less a puppet: Rhaegar fathered him to live a life decreed for him by someone, thousands of years ago, maybe, because Rhaegar couldn’t, or decided not to, or whatever. (Don’t stan Rhaegar. Know better.) The Prince of Dragonstone used both Elia and Lyanna, with no evident concern for the toll taken; bringing Aegon into the world, the former almost died the same way as the latter would not long after. Aegon VI would have, at best, lived as a pawn; at worst, he would have failed like the dreamers whose bones Bran glimpses impaled on the (hopefully?) metaphorical spikes.

Young Griff emerges into the narrative like the preposterous deus ex that he has, in fact, been raised as. He exists to fill a need: the holes in Varys and Jon Connington and, from their desperate perspectives, Westeros as well. But the “Perfect Prince” can never escape those scare quotes, and Jon and Dany will reclaim their arcs violently. And when all else is stripped away from him, when he learns (as Robb and Quentyn did before him) that he’s Not The Hero, he will have only the name his puppet masters stole for him.

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