[SPOILERS] RE7 Demo Help Thread

Scanned the thread, and didn't see anyone mention this - I was under the impression that you could not have the fuse and the back door key in the same play through, but both seem to have just spawned. Sorry if this is already something that was mentioned, or was really obvious, but I sisn't see any info on it.

I was just playing around in the demo a bit with /u/directimpingement. Unfortunately we weren't taking notes as to what we did, so this is just the best we can remember.

Started off by grabbing the fuse, and nothing else. After this, headed straight for the bolt cutters, and grabbed the VHS tape. Played the tape, and saw the "ghost girl" just outside the house while on the porch. While in the tape - opened the pot, grabbed the lock pick, and unlocked the drawer. opened both drawers in the kitchen and closed them. Continued on following the TV host guy, and ended the VHS segment normally.

After that, grabbed the dummy finger, hit the button to go upstairs, and investigated the hidden drawings on the attic wall for a bit. (Cast shadow from the axe on far wall in the telephone room). At this point, we paused the game, and left it for over an hour to browse threads on the demo.

After unpausing, investigated the behavior of the dummy finger in the attic hallway - it moves on its own sometimes while examining it. We went downstairs into the kitchen and looked for the red stars mentioned elsewhere in this thread. Tried all sorts of dumb stuff, including spinning around on top of them. We went right back the the room with the television and back into the secret door. I'm looking at the back door key right now, and checked the fuse box. Sure enough, the fuse is plugged in. Any ideas on what to do next?

/r/residentevil Thread