Star Wars Battlefront: New vs Old

So my friend is a Star Wars fan and got "banned" from this subreddit...He told me to post this on his behalf... KEEP IN MIND I HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT ANYTHING REGARDING STAR WARS

This is what he said:

Maps are more than 8, they just have not given details on it. Also the maps from the other game went from the classic and prequel, this is used to be a intro to the sequel trilogy. Also each DLC map pack consists of 5-6 extra maps confirmed. Lower player count for balance and map design, its like putting 64 people on metro, it doesn't work out so it makes sense to lower player count. Also with less people on server it enhances performance and fun on the game. There was no "campaign" in battlefront 2 as it was just normal multiplayer games with cut scenes and objectives.

Literally no difference between the map in single player vs multiplayer. The campaign in Battlefront is going to me more in depth that the prior one. Galactic conquest was a game mode that most people did not play. Instant action is in the game but they said "Modified to fit the new game, but stuck to the fundamental features. Changed the load out system to make it like bf4 and cod where you create a class as compared to selecting pre set classes, don't see how anything went missing.

  1. CONFIRMED HEROS HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE PEOPLE THEY HAVE NOT RELEASED ALL THE INFO FOR THE DAMN GAME. When Battlefront 2 came out they didn't list every damn hero before it released, they only released 5 and when the game came out there was over 15. The game will have vehicles depending on the map that they play on. In the trailer it showed one game mode on a map with less vehicles, and for 5 seconds showed 2 other maps. The main map they showed a game mode where there are no Heavy vehicles allowed because it was ATAT assault. The ATAT moves in static locations for the game mode that they showed. The other maps clearly showed speeders, planes, turrets, etc. Only released the base information of the game and confirmed that there are many more opportunities for offline play. Main purpose is to lead into the new movie and reboot the game franchise as if this was the first battlefront.
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