Star Wars: The Book Of Boba Fett Has Wrapped Filming

has a lot wrong with it, but you cannot deny the return-to-form and breath of fresh air that The Mandalorian has brought

and there's where you're wrong.

after sitting through both seasons, i feel it is fair to call the mandalorian a series of exremeley frustrating sidequests wherein our mc constantly immediately trusts the people who will inevitably betray him in almost every episode and the promise of the interesting plot is only vaguely brushed up against outside of the first and last episodes of each season.

i strongly feel mandalorian is part of the problem a series of references and blatant fan nods to try to repair an intrinsically broken franchise that has not even attempted to undo the canonical damage introduced with the prequel trilogy - and is terrified of moving forward with a new story and new characters unrelated to the fucking endless alliance v empire conflict that was resolved in 1983.

and then there was the blatant pandering in the form of young cgi Luke in the single least exciting action scene in a series filled with unexciting, one-sided actions scenes.

i grew up with star wars. i saw the originals in the theater when i was very young.

it doesn't bother me that people like what it has become. you can like whatever the fuck you want to like.

but i am allowed to think the current fans who accept this mediocre shit as modern art are rubes.

and i am absolutely allowed to complain as much as i fucking want.

you can go ahead and complain abut my complaining all you see fit, it is not going to stop me.

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