Stop pressuring your spouses into breeding

Agreed. Which is honestly screwed up, it's a future predicated on a lie.

I'm not saying they don't care for their partner but they're literally holding out for them to change, which is effed up in any scenario. Nothing will cause a rift faster than, "I don't accept this massive part of you that you've always been honest about". And threatening to leave after years together over something you were told about at the beginning is emotional blackmail. To me, that just confirms that that isn't a person to breed with, childfree or not. If you were upfront, you did your bit. You're not a project to be further worked on, they can take it or piss off.

Honestly, if a man tried to pressure me into motherhood, I'd just say, "okay boo, well, you carry it for nine months and then shove it out and possibly die doing so and we'll talk, alright?"

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