The story of the support Teemo that got flamed for doing his best.

I got 9x'd in an aram because a storm knocked my power out and I had to wait for router/modem to reboot. Took maybe 2-4 minutes to get back in game. I explained and apologized and continued to play. Teammate in all chat: report blah blah, 9x, hes trolling and a jerk/being mean... after literally saying nothing other than that apology. Pretty sure they did, too, despite me playing well after. My experience with league is its a bunch of snowflakes.. you can't take reports seriously. Reporting is almost as much a game as league itself is. My problem is it being so one sided.. People tend to gang up on people in this game. I've done it, its been done to me. Once one person starts trolling someone, other join in. Then you get troll reports etc.. My feelings on it is, if theyre reporting something you said or misplays while playing, let them cry, they should be less sensitive(there is also a mute feature. If you choose not to use it, you have no right to complain).. its reports of cheating, hacking, bugs, bots, afking(in some situations)/etc that matter..

/r/leagueoflegends Thread