I just unlocked flying and...

Exact opposite for me. I hated Legion until I could fly.

Loved the zones, loved some of the quests, but absolutely hated playing it. My husband likes to kill anything that moves, but I like to hit my target and move on to the next thing. I don't like being dismounted three times on my way to the next breadcrumb, either. Legion and WoD were both enraging to me on a regular basis before I could fly.

If I could fly from the get-go, I could feel like a powerful archdruid on important missions to save the world. Instead, I felt like just another player grinding out just another quest for just a little more xp until I got to be just another 110 doing just another world quest to grind out just another rep. FUCK. THAT.

We've put over a decade into this world. We've saved it from countless threats, some of which have been permanently eradicated. Our names are known by a wide variety of factions, including some that no longer exist in the world.

WHY THE FUCK should I suddenly forget I have wings? It completely removes immersion. It was amazing to get my wings for the first time. Getting them now feels like getting out of detention after doing nothing wrong.

/r/wow Thread