Straight and Cis redditors, what are your questions for LGBTQ+ People?

I'm guessing you're American? Because I'm English and have never heard of it witnessed a LGBTQ protest.

No, im british too. There are also loads of smaller student actions that occur on campus' and nearby areas all the time. Sure, its not to the level that the americans do it, and it wont rival the brexit actions happening at the moment, but its still there. If youre filtering it out then its not suprising that you havent seen them. They tend to be rolled into the "intersectional" groups rather than being exclusively LGBT. There were pride flags at the anti-trump (baby balloon) protest for example.

No, im not gay, but plenty of friends are, and I have a trans person in my family. Again, im not against the LGBT community, but they aren't the victims to the level they make out. Its just time to put this topic on hold for a bit while we deal with more important things, then we can come back to the smaller, more nuisance issues they have to deal with. My original response was framed around LGBT issues becasue of the focus of the thread, but my complaint is with a lot of the intersectional "victim narative" activism thats hit the west in general.

Can I ask Why your response to these minor injustices is saying "oh they're just small why are people annoyed" instead of saying "oh they're just small. Why haven't we fixed that already."

Sure. Some things wont get fixed, ever. Being judged (unfairly) or ostracized by family sucks, but you cant force people to like you. No amount of activism or legislation will do anything. Its not like the "dont be a dick" message hasn't been spread. As long as everyone is treated equally under the law then we have arrived at the best we can do. There is going to be a certain level of "getting over it" that's required from everyone to keep life ticking over when you have to interact with people you dont like.

This, for example, was an overreaction by the customer and they should have just moved on. Being misgendered may get annoying after a while, but its personal preference and shouldn't have been news. Im a guy and would prefer to be called Mr. If everyone started calling me Ms then it would be weird, but im not going to lose my mind over it.

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