Stray bullet hit the wall three feet from where my fiancee lays her head to sleep.

Last night a stray bullet landed in our bedroom while we were sleeping. For some reason we didn't hear the bullet (crazy I know) but our alarm woke us up. I got up to see if everything was fine. Door was locked, everything seemed to be ok. I thought it was just a fault in our alarm system. I turn it off, turn it back on, and go to bed.

In the morning, my fiance wakes up and finds a bullet on the floor. I couldn't believe my fucking eyes when I saw it. I traced back the trajectory to the building's parking lot behind our house. It grazed a tree, went through our fence, window, blinds, two layers of closet door, until it finally came to a stop when it hit out concrete wall.

If you trace this trajectory back, you can clearly tell it came from a small corner in the parking lot. What's eerie to me is that it looks like the gun was aimed. All the damage is at shoulder height. Cops came, knocked on all the doors in that building but couldn't find anything or anyone, not even the casing.

My backyard camera was offline, but my front yard's was working. It caught the sound of the gunshot as well as my alarm going off right after. Fuck man.

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