The struggle is real

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title points age /r/ comnts
This misidentification shits got me heated! 455 6mos BlackPeopleTwitter 9
This is a serious issue 702 9mos tumblr 11
Something that we need to address. 222 11mos funny 14
Seriously guys. 237 11mos funny 18
You know the GODDAMN difference! 55 1yr funny 1
You need to know the difference 325 1yr funny 8
I'm glad someone had the balls to say it 166 1yr funny 3
This is serious. 1024 1yr funny 29
A pressing issue 11 1yr funny 3
We need to get our priorities straight, people! 1164 1yr funny 35
Gave me a chuckle. Thought I'd share it with you guys. 21 2yrs funny 5
There is only so much a man can take 186 2yrs funny 8
You know the god damn difference. 12 2yrs funny 3
Y'all know the difference 14 2yrs funny 7
A serious issue. 18 2yrs funny 3
A very serious issue. 23 2yrs funny 3
This man speaks the truth 847 2yrs funny 25
A serious issue. 102 2yrs funny 6
This is a serious issue. 24 2yrs funny 11
It's a serious issue 783 3yrs funny 81
There's a goddamn difference! 1035 3yrs funny 95
A serious issue. 2567 3yrs funny 477
You know the goddamn difference between a cat and a kitten. B 17 2yrs funny 7
You tell 'em, bunny! B 61 1yr tumblr 1
Wow, you slut B 34 3yrs funny 5

Source: karmadecay (B = bigger)

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