Students of Reddit, what was the biggest teacher meltdown you ever witnessed?

TL:DR Substitute teacher choke slammed a kid up against the wall.

This happened in 1994

My fifth grade teacher was so fucking old that when she slipped and fell one day, she broke both her hips and was out for the rest of the year.

We had a never ending supply of substitute teachers. Seriously, we had something like 10 different ones until the incident. Some had lesson plans, some just let us watch movies but ultimately we were doing busy work and no real school work

He was a young guy and by all accounts was normal. As a class we were excited because he was so young and after having the crypt keeper as a teacher a 20ish young dude seems exciting.

After having so many different subs maybe we were too rowdy. But as the morning wore on this dude was obviously struggling. A group of girl in the back row kept laughing at him because kind of a nasally high voice. The class clown was going into high gear. Basically he was slowly losing control of the classroom.

We had art class around 10 am and he probably chain smoked in the lounge before he had to walk us back to class. During the walk back one of the boys who was admittedly a little shit, began acting up like kids do. The sub just lost it. He grabbed the kid by the throat, slammed him up against the wall and just started screaming at him to obey him right now.

Kids began crying, two girls ran away screaming and a teacher walked out of her class and started shrieking at the sub.

We get corralled into a classroom and the Principal and a few other teachers are trying to calm this shrieking and crying man down.

We got yelled at for being so awful. Yes it was wrong he had grabbed the kid but ultimately it was all our faults and we were the worst class of children he had ever seen, we lost recess for the rest of the year (this happened in December) and some other punishment. I don't think any parents even knew and if they did not a goddamn thing happened.

/r/AskReddit Thread