Why is this subreddit so quiet on Kushner?

Well seeing as your downvoted to the very bottom while multiple TOP upvoted comments try to act/imply as if this sub was some super right-wing cesspool of only users from the US. Despite being a top comment. It's fucking hilariously childish and see-through that they're lying. Reddit is barely 50% US users, half of reddit is from Europe and other continents. As if we wanted to read about some r-politics -level manifactured drivel paid by other rich opposition groups. I miss the old politics-sub, it used to be so good with wide ranging political opinions and debate. Now it's nothing but a dead husk and an advertisement/political party magazine, and 99% of the comments are like written by very young teenagers spamming and parroting hateful childish catch phrases, as if that's how redditors behave. They're like FellowKids old people trying to sound hip, it's JARRING how different it is to just 1,5 years ago. From "I disagree respectfully and would like to retort by..." to "LULPTF SUXXX! AMIRITE GUYZ!!!".

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com