Such a quirky main character

I have PTSD from a horrific event. Well I used to, it’s not so much an issue 10 years on. Immediately after it I couldn’t leave the house without panicking but I thought that was just normal. Then I got panic disorder, anxiety, night terrors, waking up not knowing where I am, and episodes of depersonalisation over the next few years but figured it was my shitty mental health genes kicking in. In a later docs appointment for anxiety this event came up and he was like ‘well there’s your problem, it’s PTSD’ I was like nah, people only get that from witnessing a graphic death and the person survived in my case and my own life wasn’t at risk so that can’t be right. My bar was just too high or I was being hard on myself. I still don’t really believe it, I reckon it’s mostly anxiety genetics.

Meanwhile blue haired tomboys out here getting PTSD because an old man called them ‘darlin’

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