Suicidal people: how can we best help you?

For me, when i was very suicidal about a month ago, what actually broke me out of it wasn't people saying they liked me or wanted to be around. That is easy to do: type some words of encouragement and feel good about it. What is hard is getting past that truth where the world is no longer seen with the rose tinted filter that our brains put in place to make it bearable. The world is a horrible place. Yes, there is some good in it we all try to eek out, but when you sit down and think about it, it is a cruel and malicious place and we're all trying to keep it from devouring us as long as possible. Don't ever forget that truth when dealing with suicidal people.

What broke me out of it was getting close to the edge and realizing i still hadn't given Erika a real chance yet. It wasn't knowing i had friends and family that loved me, it was knowing that i still hadn't really completely tried yet. That I didn't really have permission to do myself in until i'd truly given it my all, despite the soul crushing dysphoria i was feeling that day. Then there is the adrenaline shock of almost doing myself in too ;) I think i wanted to puke for like 45 minutes... Nothing beats gastrointestinal conditioning/association from keeping you from doing something lol.

Anyway, shortly after my last "attempt" I started escitalopram (lexapro) and went out with a good friend shopping as Erika. I attribute those two events as key to my current healthy mental state. The lexapro took the edge off and going out into the world as Erika taught me a very very very important experience: people don't give two shits if you're trans. That latter one i can repeat to someone over and over and over, but it WONT sink in until they experience it. It really does need to be experienced. It is the ONLY thing that really shut that voice up inside my head and is why i'm part-time currently and not in a whole in the ground.

Anyway, I don't know if that really helps or not, but its my view on how i've gotten over some really dark days.

/r/asktransgender Thread