CMV: Someone who has regular contact with good, loving, normal women could not believe the dehumanizing things that red pill does about women.

I'm sure there's not a single person on this web forum who'd disagree with you on the gist of that statement(despite what you might think). But then this statement, as alluring as it, is exactly what we fear when we refuse to temper the red pill's speech and tone to suit the moderate crowd.

So let me attempt to make the red pill position on this as clear as I possibly can.

As respectable as your sentiment is, this is what we call a platitude.

It is an extremely plausibly deniable way of putting something until it is not even any sort of claim at all. It is a diplomatic "compromise" statement that's just intended to stand in for the truth, and dilute it.

You can't really believe that nobody in the red pill's management is sane enough to not reach this conclusion. They have. They just find it derailing and a strawman.

The reasoning being that nobody consciously believed in women being "innocent beautiful angelic beings". Nobody who has a pedestal thinks they do. They just tend to "forgive" what they see. They attribute it to the individual every time rather than daring to find or ACT on a pattern in the protected gender. No matter what their experience says otherwise, they are robots who don't dare to think outside the PC think.

The truth is that just as there are flaws and failings that are generally expressed in masculine people, there are flaws and failings of character that tend to be generally displayed in feminine people. And you can put forth concrete claims about those even now.

For example, one egregious example is that the red pill says that "Women cannot help but pay attention to people that insult them. So neg them."

I pick this one now because as much as you guys will jump on me saying "only insecure women are like that", you have to admit you are part of the crowd of women from reddit at large obsessing over what we say even though there's no merit in what we say. Simply because we insult you.

That doesn't make you scum. But that also doesn't make me "unable to be with good, loving, normal women" because I don't believe otherwise.

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