Do you support C-51? If not, what changes would you propose to make it acceptable?

I do not support it, nore di I think any ammendments would make it acceptable. I think it should be scrapped as in my opinion the current system has struck a good balance between protecting the population and not over infringing on civil liberties.

There have been three attacks that resulted in deaths that could be considered to be terroist related (I'm including Justin Borque as one of the attackers). Each one was stopped without serious loss of life (yes any loss if significant to friends and family, but I'm talking about on the naitonal level), in a relitavely short time period using existing police and security forces and legislation. Since each attacker was a lone wolf who communicated little to no intentions prior to the attack, there was no way to predict this in advance without Orwellian surveilance levels. I can't see C51 preventing those three attacks, therefore the need for it can't be shown using those attacks.

We also have anumber of failed conspiracies that were prevented from causing any harm to the populace. The Toronto 17, The BC Legislature bombers and the Halifax shooters. In each case, police were advised in advance of what was going on and had varying degrees of penetration into the plots allowing them to be subverted to varying degrees. The BC Legislature bombers were completely open to the police, to the point that they could be allowed to plant bombs that were non-functional to make their intent crystal clear to a court. When it comes to prevention of groups, the current system works fine, so again there is no need for C51.

In general I can't see any police or security system being constructed that would prevent lone wolf attacks without massive invasion of privacy. Since these lone attackers can't do too much damage before they lose the advantage of surprise and become the target of every police officer in the area I feel the loss of privacy is too high a price. For the conspirators, if they could launch their attack without being caught, they do have the ability to cause significant damage as there would be the potential to overwhelm the emergency armed response of the police. The record suggest though that they can't get that surprise as they always slip up in planning in a manner that draws the attention of the police and they are busted before they can attack. In light of these general principles, I don't see why there needs to be any major changes to how we deal with home grown terroists. Tweaks, sure, but nothing as extensive as C51.

/r/CanadaPolitics Thread