US teacher who screened sexually explicit horror film jailed

First, I want you both to step back and realize what has been handed down against this woman. 90 days in jail, international shame, and banned from teaching ever again anywhere. The life she knew is over in full completely.

The French labeled 50 Shades of Grey appropriate for children as young as 12 displaying European attitudes towards sex. It isn't something to be ashamed of. It isn't something to shy away from. It is something we all do. A study on the effects of violence on children put together a few years ago, plug for /r/Documentaries!, showed children exposed to as many as 200,000+ violent acts by the time they are 18. That is just watching normal television. There is another post that goes around reddit occasionally with a quote from the actor who plays Jesse from Breaking Bad. Paraphrased, he said to the host, "How do they know who I am? Do those parents let their kids watch Breaking Bad? Monsters!"

Yes, parents are watching the show with their kids. Modern parents don't have the same attitudes they once did. I wouldn't say this particular movie would be on the approved list for any parent, but attitudes are shifting everyday. Breaking Bad today, that in 10 - 15 years. Who knows what we're going to look back on say, "Why were we so up tight about that?" with the Occulus Rift just around the corner.

Next, NEWS FLASH kids have the internet. If you think the movie has something disgusting in it, I bet they've seen worse online. It is like parents getting up in arms over the content in books. Have you seen what you can can find via Google? What kind of parent would allow access to a horror like Google via a laptop, mobile phone, desktop, iPad, iPod Touch, and 300Mbit WIFI?

tl;dr It seems backwards to jail someone for 90 days and shame them on an international stage for something that can be bested by Google in 30 seconds.

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