"I survived the Parkland School shooting. I am too young to vote, but I'm not too young to raise my voice. My best friend and I would talk about the serious lack of gun control after the Las Vegas shooting. She was killed because nothing was done."

If my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

I don't approve of exploiting kids as cheap, political theater props, but then again I've never been shot at without deserving it, sooooo...

My sister's 14, and her and her friends don't care about the limits of gun control, they don't care what it takes to fix mental health care, and they don't care about all of the reasons adults think we know better.

If my sister and her friends stand and demand to be heard, I'm standing with them.

I don't 100% agree with all of the details, but I can relate to their anger. I remember it well.

I'd just ask for everyone to remember that those impressionable young adults are watching us, following our lead, and representing our values.

Let's be their true North, because we are going to need them in 5-10 years. We'll definitely still be cleaning this shit up.

Remember, this is the generation that WE NEED to help succeed because they are our best hope to maintaining a generational culture shift towards social and economic liberty for all of us.

Sorry for the rant, peeps. I just really love my sister, and I smoked a little bit of medicine.

I didn't mean to intrude.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Link - bustle.com