Swedish feminist politician claims that swedish men rape because they're evil, but migrants rape because they're naive and they don't know it's wrong

This is so swedish....

Only in this country could you find someone who would proudly state that even the most basic inherent things, that we all can identify from toddler age as wrong, do not apply to the poor ignorant barbarian.

Not to mention your honor, that men ofcourse.. need to be educated, by their culture that rape = baaad.... Because as we all know, men are animalz!

Honestly.. wtf

Also, doesnt it just infuriate that these statements are even made, or that a debate sprouts from them. ONLY in sweden!. As if we need to be considerate of the poor rapist who didnt know better. I mean WHYYYYYY is this debate happening. In sweden, claiming muslims simply dont realise that rape =bad - is not condescending at all. All the nice moderate muslims simply take notes and integrate further, and stop their raping ways.....,

Im happy to say, as someone who has lived in Skåne for 8 yrs, I have never watched a swedish news cast, never read a swedish news paper, and by and large only get to hear about swedish PC gone wild, through the danish media. - Those swedes... and their moose.. and their muslims. They are nuts.

Also, lol at this woman. Its like she suddenly realises, oops maybe this sounds like Im saying there are degrees of bad when it comes to rape.. maybe uhm this is breaking with the pc code of victimhood... oh noes, clash of the titans.. muslim vs rape victim... totaly meltdown; I never said that your honor. Thats not what I meant..


/r/KotakuInAction Thread Link - theduran.com