Swedish Police Shoot Into A Crowd Of Muslim Protesters

Well, you've got to make things happen. Sweden let these mongrels in. Everybody in the Muslim world despises these occultist morons. You don't know the kind of mentality these refugees have.

They are the sickest of the crop. And the vast majority of them are idiotic men. They come from the part of the world where the man wears the crown, and the woman feeds the child. Of course, there is going to be a conflict of interests.

They're not really educated; neither in the matters of their religion nor basic ethics. And they don't listen to other Muslims around them to treat thy neighbor with respect.

The problem I see is the enabling of hate speech from both sides that are enabling this behavior. The right and left both insinuate this behavior. I guess Sweden has never seen regimes and political dynasties in the modern world.

I used to wonder how Sweden was such a fantastic place to live. I feel like I won't ever be able to see the real Sweden in my lifetime, because of these idiots.

Plus the media likes to throw everything out of proportion. If there are upstanding citizens(Muslims) they are going to be targeted now, more hate crimes will spawn. And eventually, the sides will become polarized.

See South East Asian Muslim countries for example. There are literal communities that have been devastated because of the extremist element of Muslims(Wahabists).

/r/ThatsInsane Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it