Syrian Minister Says US War on ISIS Is Fake

First of all, it appears that you are twisting the article. One of the many instances of your distortions can be seen when the article states that ISIS was created to put pressure on Iran rather than attack it. Instead of just labeling the article as "fiction" and "garbage", why don't you prove that it's false? Claims that can be made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You are also claiming that the article has no evidence, but after reading the article, there is a ton of evidence. I have no idea where you pulled these claims from.

Israel and the Military-Industrial complex have enormous ties and Israel donates hefty sums on a regular basis. Israel paying us to be tough on Iran. I personally find that Saudi Arabia is a far more dangerous threat to national security than Iran. Saudi Arabia is home to Wahhabism and Salafism, the main ideologies of ISIS. Most of the 9/11 plane hijackers were also of Saudi origin. The Saudi soccer team also refused to pay a moment of silence to the London Attack Victims. It is obvious that they sympathize and support ISIS. Basically all of the terrorist attacks that have been conducted on American soil have been perpetrated by Sunnis.

I also can't seem to find a rational explanation behind why ISIS hasn't attacked Israel once. If ISIS really hates Jews that much, why wouldn't they attack the country in the Middle East with the largest concentration of Jews?

The author is not a useless hack. The fact that you are simply calling him names does not boost your credibility in the slightest. He is a research scholar at Harvard University.

In case you haven't noticed, ISIS attacks have resulted in the passing of draconian spying laws (or at least strong attempts at doing so). Two that I can come up with from the top of my head are the mandatory backdoors in encryption and the Rule 41 changes. Backdoors in encryption pose a huge risk to the public even if they are installed by the government and meant to be kept secret. The recent Wannacry ransomware attack was actually spread through an NSA-installed backdoor on Windows XP computers. The NSA refused to reveal the backdoor until the ransomware crisis became an worldwide epidemic.

These are all facts I came up with from the top of the head. I will provide you with further research if deemed necessary.

In the end, it appears that you have simply labeled the article as "fiction" and "garbage," without actually backing up your claims and proving the article false. You are claiming that there is no evidence when there is literally so much evidence right in front of you. I am utterly convinced that you are either brainwashed by the establishment's propaganda and are having trouble successfully defending it or you have been posting as a paid troll.

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