T-Shots aren't working. There's something very wrong with me. Hoping someone here is familiar with my story.

I am a 24 Y.O. male and fit your symptoms to a tee. I too have never had any mental illnesses nor do currently, but have felt blah for the past 16 months. I am not obese. I can relate to your lack of appetite, zero libido, muscle wasting, fatigue, apathy and brain fog. My joints hurt all time due to the muscle wasting. It has also killed my career. I got full bloodwork done multiple times during the 16 months, which included tests for Lymes which came back negative. Thyroid hormones also came back within range. My testosterone level was low normal but was not treated by doctor until it dropped to the levels below about six weeks ago:

Free testosterone (direct): 6.2 ref range: 9.3 - 26.5 Testosterone (serum): 163 ref range: 348 - 1197 Estradiol: 15.9 ref range: 7.6 - 42.6

I have now been on TRT for 6 weeks. I have been working with my primary care physician. She started me off on test cyp 50 mg injections every two weeks. Not knowing much about the treatment I agreed to this. In between my first and second shot i read more into treatment regimens, realized it was a useless dose, and tried to get her to change it to 100mg per week. She disagreed and decided to up it to 100mg, but every two weeks. I said fine your the doctor I'll give it some time. Another two weeks passed and after another bloodtest my levels barely budged and I still felt like crap. She agreed to up it to 200mg every two weeks. I just got the 200mg injection this morning.

I plan to see how it goes for another shot or two. Her policy is to do shots for her TRT patients every two weeks no matter what. If I don't feel any better I plan to see a urologist that would definitely agree to a weekly regimen.

My best advice to you like others who have responded would be to stay patient. From the looks of it I will be going through a similar hellish experience to yours, but am trying to stay positive as much as possible. Good luck.

/r/Testosterone Thread