[Tania] Lakers players and coaches will lock arms during the national anthem tonight

Trump ATM has probably done more negatives for America than positives. As president you can't call for someone to be fired for the usage of free speech and you can't imply it either on twitter. As far as what he's done? He's spent more American money on his golf weekends in his first 100 days than Obama spent in 8 years on all his vacations. He didn't demonize actual nazis in the street, but gets mad when a black athlete calls attention to unfair treatment of African Americans by the police and then switches the topic by trying to say it's that they're anti-Veteran. He has also cut shit tons of money out of important programs like meals on wheels and the EPA, as well as disaster relief. He goes out of his way to always be the smaller person in everything he does, we have the least confident man in the world holding the most important office. It's not even over with his first year and he's doing worse than most of us expected him to do, while also almost starting a nuclear conflict and alienating us from the rest of the world. Not to mention he's basically leaving Puerto Rico to die, when we could have gotten that shit fixed in a day or even a week with how good of a military we have. He is the least popular president in American history for a reason, his fans just have their heads up their own asses so much he could "shot a man in the street" and they wouldn't care - his words not mine.

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