'Tax These Moochers': Top 1% Dodge $163 Billion in Taxes Each Year

You know, I/we find myself in an interesting position. As a full life paycheck to paycheck firebrand progressive who had kids too young, we are about to complete a many multi million dollar lawsuit. We will go from no well water and a trash pile because we can't pay the deposit for trash service, to private jets, essentially overnight. We plan to buy a yacht and write off the taxes with a brand new jet. On the other hand, that's fucking ridiculous that we could write off the entire purchase of a yacht with the purchase of a private jet (part of Trump's tax giveaway to the ultra rich). As potentially asshole rich person as it sounds, we will take advantage of the ultra wealthy benefits and attempt to give back through private charity. Which we will be able to write off, while still making 5x more off interest in a year than I should make for the reminder of my professional life as an engineer (~25 years of work till retirement). I'm looking forward to the coke and hookers, but the cognitive dissonance is going to take a toll.

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