AITA for refusing to make dinner for my lawyer boyfriend?

ESH. Your boyfriend sucks for calling you silly. That’s dismissive and condescending. You being angry when he called you silly was so fair.

But also, you suck for being a dick to your boyfriend. I work as a public defender and so I get my fair share of the “you such an immoral person, how could you” judgements from people who are outside the legal profession, and it fucking sucks. Especially when people who I love and respect say it. Because those outsiders don’t take all the factors into account. They don’t actually know a lot about my clients or my cases or the victims, they just have a blanket opinion on who they perceive to be my clients and what that says about me. So when someone I love says that I’m a shitty human being because I have chosen to be a public defender, it really hurts my feelings. And I’ll be honest, I get defensive and petty when my feelings get hurt because I’m a fucking defense lawyer and that’s what defense lawyers are good at.

You can have an objection to work your boyfriend but if you do you should talk to him about it. Ask him to talk about the general types of clients he represents and those clients goals. Ask him why he does the work, why he likes it. Treat it like any other job and try to understand it before you make a judgement about it. Maybe it’s as horrible as you said and he is doing it because he is downing in debt or maybe he is doing it because a lot of the landlords he represents are people too. And don’t start the conversation by accusing him of being an asshole because it will probably shut the conversation down before it even starts.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread