A teacher whose 2018 class video made her a national sensation dies from Covid-19 at 35.

Such a sad look at things. As a teacher and a mother, school is super important for mental health and for children to grow and learn in the best way. We switched our kids to private school for this year (we are lucky enough to be able to afford the switch) so they can be in person school instead of remote. They wear masks all day and distance the desks and they have had zero in school transmissions. Same with the school I work at. Sure some programs are cancelled and certain things are different but it is WAY better than them sitting at home all day staring at screens. Adults are all going back to work, going shopping, going to the gym but we make kids stay home. I was so disappointed with our public school that they couldn’t use resources to make it work because it is for sure doable. Also while school is not supposed to be just babysitting parents make work schedules assuming their kids will be taken care of 9-3 or whatever it’s not the only shitty option it is the appropriate option for children ages 5-17. I’m sad for this teacher but it is not a good reason to have no school for a whole year for children.

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