Tech/Gaming Journalist wants "nerds" to go back to being scared and reclusive, because someone spoke to her about Pokemon Go

Can you not fan the flames to pitch your shameless Kickstarter plug? Thanks. This woman obviously has issues with men, her article has been torn apart on a dozen subs today with tens of thousands of comments already pointing out her obvious hypocrisy, self-hating nature, the fact she anecdotally inserts her boyfriend into the story as both "I have a boyfriend" and validation of her opinion on masculinity (which is inherently anti-feminist), etc...

If any other group besides "nerdy men" had been picked as the target, this would have been labeled hate speech. We get it - but this author has done this before, she wrote a hit piece on Jon Finkel years ago after she found out he wasn't just a businessman, he was a gasp card gamer!

None of this crap matters - people build themselves up into this rage over people being uneducated, hateful or stupid with regard to their hobbies, and they focus on that hate rather than enjoying their hobby.

Jack Thompson got disbarred - people who fuel themselves on their own hatred burn out - so don't take a piece of it - you don't want that in your life.

/r/gaming Thread Link -