Ted Cruz expresses support for Indiana's 'religious freedom' law

You realize that when you have 8% of a population, that's the key. 8%, that's all it takes. 8%, according to the Center for Religious and Diplomacy, practice Jihad. 8%, according to the research of James Davidson Hunter, are doing the same sex marriage initiative, You've got 80% Jews, Catholics, Protestants, 35% of Evangelicals, even Mormons - you have a very broad constituency of 85-90% of the American population is not for same-sex marriage. How is it that 7% can impose their agenda on the other 90%? It's not because we don't have enough converts to an idea - it's because when Satan is shrewder in his own generation than the Sons of Light, he makes sure that he has his prophets of Baal at the high places. So what you have is a well-positioned 8% whose agenda is working with the will of Principalities and Powers while Christians are in pursuit of the supernatural or glory or prosperity, but they're missing the apostolic assignment. They're to take over spheres and administer them for the glory of God. - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/dominionism-and-religious-right-merger-complete#sthash.dWLM6ATp.dpuf

So, let me get this straight. The dominionists feel that because their beliefs are "right" they supersede the rights of everyone else? The speaker addresses Hitler and how he indoctronated the Hitler Youth by taking the schools, but then he says they should do THE EXACT SAME THING. Are these people really so blind that they don't see that they're doing the very thing they protest so loudly against? Is it be cause they have "God" on their side that they can just impose their will on the masses? This, to me, is truly horrifying.

/r/texas Thread Parent Link - businessinsider.com