Is Tehlu the leader of the Sithe? Are Demons and Dancers the same thing? Is Selitos the Cthaeh? Are Encanis and Iax the same person? . . . These connections will BLOW your mind!

If Iax is Encanis, and Lanre becomes Haliax after his deal with Iax, and therefore has Iax long name in his heart, how come is Selitos the one that makes Haliax have its face always held in shadow?

If Selitos had a skin dancer inside, perhaps en anís itself at some point, Thelu may have turned Selitos body into a tree, and so we have the parallelism of Encanis being unable to move. Perhaps Encanis had to leave Selitos after that. Perhaps the deal Lanre made with Encanis happened when Encanis was inside Selitos. Maybe Encanis was trapped behind the doors of stone at the same time Selitos became the Cthaeh. Perhaps Encanis name is inside Lanre making Haliax but his mind is still inside Selitos/Cthaeh.

/r/KingkillerChronicle Thread