Tell me about your year. The good, the bad, the ugly. And tell me what you hope to do in 2017.


  • Steady improvement at the social dance due to work and practice elsewhere. I'm so happy that I can just start talking to a complete stranger and feel reasonably comfortable now. I offered some people my parking vouchers on Thursday because mine were expiring, and showed them how to use the machine, and it wasn't super awkward.

  • Going to the gym. It's been longer than a year now, and I'm fairly consistently going 3 times a week. I'm hoping to do more while I'm there as I've hit a bit of a slump, but the absolute hardest part is making myself go.

  • My ladyfriend. I won't go into details exactly, but.. She's just the absolute best.


  • Work is a real drag sometimes. It becomes difficult to deal with the stress sometimes, which makes it challenging to avoid quitting, but I manage. Having money is pretty great, so it's not really so bad at all, all things considered.


  • Anger. I've had a few real bad moments with my trying out PvP games again this year, and also at work, but fortunately I have the support of my ladyfriend, other friends and other people in my life so that it's very manageable.
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