Terrified of turning off Auto

You're going to have to turn them off at some point, so you may as well start sooner rather than later!
As far as leveling abilities for Neith, max your Spirit Arrow first, then your Unravel, then your Backflip, grabbing your ult whenever you can (sorry, I'm not familiar with the buttons each skill uses since I don't play on Xbox...or even own one).
For item builds, most Neiths have been using the popular Heartseeker/Asi build because Neith is an early game hunter with a decent escape and Heartseeker is an early game power spike. However, you lose half your Heartseeker stacks on death, so be careful. Starting Bluestone Pendant, Morningstar (tier 1 of Heartseeker), and a health pot is a good start since Neith already has sustain from her Unravel. If you're really concerned about lifesteal, you could replace Bluestone Pendant with Death's Toll. Upgrade to Heartseeker immediately and then grab Ninja Tabi and Asi in no specific order. If you're having trouble sustaining, go Asi first. If not, grab boots. With Heartseeker/Asi/Ninja Tabi complete, shoot for The Executioner, Rage, and Deathbringer, obviously selling Bluestone Pendant at some point along the way. Your final build will be Ninja Tabi, Heartseeker, Asi, The Executioner, Rage, and Deathbringer. For actives, sprint, purification beads, and aegis are all viable choices.
A safer but more auto attacking late game build would be to start out with Bluestone Pendant, Spiked Gauntlet (tier 1 of Devourer's Gauntlet) and a health pot. Upgrade to Devo Gloves and then grab Ninja Tabi. From here, you should buy Ichaival if they have a good amount of physical power (pretty likely) --> The Executioner --> Rage --> Deathbringer --> sell Ichaival if you built it for Malice. Actives should be the same.
Good luck! Neith is finally in a good spot right now and she's one of my favorite gods. _^

/r/Smite Thread